Missions Experiences

Changing the world through soccer

what is a missions experience?

You’ve been changed by the gospel message, now what? Missions Experiences are the opportunity to truly step into what it means to be a leader who serves their city and change the world. We bring coaches, youth players, and pro players on missions experiences to drop a ball in another country and then share the Gospel afterwards. Trips also include a variety of community service projects aiming to demonstrate the gospel and love of Jesus to those who may have never experienced it before.

Jesus’ final command to his disciples was to go and make disciples of all nations, and missions experiences are our international response to that great commission. We’ve found that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Are you one of the workers called to bring the Good News to the nations? Register for a trip below.

Missions Experiences Fast Facts

• 5 International mission trips sent
• 50 players and leaders sent
• 75 international coaches trained as soccer ministers
• 3 countries visited
• 2 International partner ministries

Cap-Haiten, Haiti

Cap-Haitien, Haiti

Coaches 18+, March 2024
We’ve taken this trip for the last 5 years, and it has become our annual coaches missions experience. Each year we bring a group of coaches who train local coaches to become soccer ministers, that become equipped to use the game to share the gospel and make disciples. In addition, we host a clinic for orphanage children, and play a match against a local semi-pro team (which we are yet to lose by the way).

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Players Ages 13-15, June 2023
For the last 10 months our players have been learning about their divine purpose and design, hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ, and honing their footballing abilities. This culminating experience will give them the opportunity to put those skills to the test against some of the highest international competition (CABJ) and share the message of Jesus with those who may have never heard it before.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Coast of Israel


Pro Players, December 2023
Our chaplaincy program provides pro players from across the country with life-giving, mentoring relationships with godly role models. These pro players have heightened influence in the soccer world, and often want to use it to make a difference. Our pro tour gives them the opportunity to do so by playing matches, undergoing community service projects, and serving alongside local ministries. Israel is near and dear to God’s heart, and we desire to continue to preach the gospel to the Jewish people, and no better way than through the beautiful game!