Join our community of monthly donors sharing Jesus and making disciples through the game of soccer.
Squad Members Receive...
Monthly Updates
Through monthly email updates on ministry initiatives, you can track where your money is going in real-time and see the eternal impact you are making each month.
Live Q&A’s
As a part of our promise to you, we hold quarterly Q&As where you can learn more about the initiatives you’re funding and the people you’re impacting with the love of Jesus.
Impact Stories
We want you to feel connected to the lives you are transforming. Through our regular video releases, we will share with you the stories of the people you're reaching.
With 4 out of 10 people in the world participating in the game of soccer we have the greatest tool in the world to make an eternal impact. Through soccer you have the opportunity to raise up the next generation who will serve their city and change the world.
Your $40.00 monthly donation can
disciple 2 people every year!
join the squaddisciple 2 people every year!